Hot off the press — Post-2015 development agenda intergovernmental negotiations, 20-31 July. No 24: Revised outcome document (August 1)
Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 10:24AM
Richard in Negotiating sessions

Very early on Sunday morning the Co-facilitators released the revised draft of the outcome document (August 1).

The plenary is scheduled to resume at 11am Sunday but as was the case on Saturday, this is subject to change. 

The main issues for negotiation, as reflected in the latest revised outcome document,  are on climate change and means of implementation (MOI). These may require further negotiation. Other issues that were discussed include migration, human rights, middle income countries (MICs), "other groups" and "social groups".

On issues of concern to organizations following sexual and reproductive health and rights and related issues, the  formulation on ICPD and Beijing remains the same, sexual and reproductive health-care services are there, as is the demographic dividend.  The language on human rights in paragraph 19 has been changed to reflect the Rio-20 paragraph 9, with “internationally recognized” being replaced by “without distinction of any kind”.  

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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