Every Woman Every Child: technical paper on adolescent health
Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 11:55AM
Richard in Every Woman, Young People

We have received the following email from Noemi Espinoza Madrid, Civil Society Partnerships, ICPD Beyond 2014 Secretariat, UNFPA. Comments should be sent to pmnch@who.int up to 15 April, including your name, affiliation and email:

Dear Partners,

I am pleased to share with you the technical paper on adolescent health that is a part of the update of the UN Secretary-General's Global Strategy on Women and Children's Health "Every Woman Every Child".

UNFPA has made every effort to ensure that interventions to promote adolescents' sexual and reproductive health and rights are prioritized in this paper and hope that they will remain a priority. We would greatly appreciate your advocacy and support for this as this process gets streamlined.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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