Brief consultation on the draft indicators for which IAEG-SDGs has reached general agreement
Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 10:31AM
Richard in Indicators

We have received the following from UN-NGLS:

At the recent meeting of the Interagency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) in Bangkok, the members reached general agreement on 159 of the more than 200 draft indicators for the SDGs.  

They have color coded the list of draft indicators, marking those on which they reached general agreement green, and those which need additional work grey. This list is available in the documents section of the IAEG-SDGs web page for the Bangkok meeting.

The IAEG-SDGs provides a 3 day window starting today to submit input just on these 159 draft indicators marked in green.

As noted in the "Meeting Summary and Work Plan" (also available in the documents section on the IAEG-SDGs Bangkok meeting web page):

This mechanism opened today here:

Deadline for inputs: 7 November at 9:00am EST

Guidelines are provided on the first page of the input form.

The inputs provided will be considered by the IAEG-SDGs Members in their final phase of preparation of the set of indicators to be submitted to the Statistical Commission. The final decision on the number, type and formulation of the list of indicators will remain with the IAEG-SDGs Members. Each IAEG-SDGs member represents the views of her or his sub-region.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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