Save the Date: UNGA Event on Child, Early and Forced Marriage - September 22
Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 8:31AM
Richard in UNGA

Ending Child, Early and Forced Marriage
A World Where All Girls Can Reach Their Full Potential

September 22nd 2014 - CR 1 (CB) 11.45am–1pm

Introductory remarks


Two girls affected by early marriage will also share their own experiences

Remarks from the floor

Concluding remarks


Globally, between 2004 and 2014, an estimated 100 million girls will have been forced to marry before their 18th birthday. Child, early and forced marriage is a violation of girls’ rights with devastating, even life-threatening consequences. It also has devastating impacts for communities and wider societies, hindering the achievement of six of the eight MDGs.

Today, greater awareness of the issue and increased global and national partnerships are making an impact. By involving all partners in comprehensive approaches, significant progress can be made in the next five years to accelerate the movement to eliminate child, early and forced marriage within a generation.

English and French translation will be provided


Permanent Mission of Canada (
Permanent Mission of Italy (

The invitation can be downloaded here.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
See website for complete article licensing information.