9th Session of the UN General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, 3-5 March 2014 No 3
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 4:12PM
Richard in Open Working Group

Meeting with Major Groups and Other Stakeholders

(The following is based on the report of Earth Negotiations Bulletin) and only refers to those interventions that pertain to sexual and reproductive health and rights,health, population dynamics, gender equality and youth)

Major Groups presented their reactions on the focus areas document on the afternoon of Wednesday 5 March. The session was introduced by Sascha Gabizon, Women’s Major Group who expressed appreciation
for the opportunity to interact with delegates. Among comments made by the Major Groups were the following:

On health and population dynamics, a representative from Children and Youth, NGOs and Women expressed concern that healthy people were referred to as “assets,” and said any health goal must rest on the achievement of the highest standard of health, and services should be free of stigma and discrimination.

On gender equality and women’s empowerment, a representative from Women, NGOs and Children and Youth called for comprehensive sexuality education and the elimination of early and forced marriages and female genital mutilation.

On employment and decent work for all, a representative from Children and Youth, Workers and Trade Unions and Women expressed concern that this section contains the only mention of young people.

On equality, a representative from Children and Youth, NGOs, and Women stressed that the concept must be an overarching goal. Ending violence against the most marginalized must be pursued by including the most vulnerable in decision- making processes and the monitoring of the SDG framework.

See also Earth Negotiations Bulletin

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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