Options for moving forward to the next stage of the work of the Open Working Group
Friday, January 17, 2014 at 10:48PM
Richard in Open Working Group

At the end of seventh session of the Open Working Group (OWG-7), Ambassador Kamau, one of the two Co-chairs presented a series of options for the next stage of the work of the OWG, which will focus on devising a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs) and targets. The process so far has been one of “stock-taking” and after OWG-8 the Co-chairs will “pool together” an overall summary document of the 11-month-long stock-taking process. This can then be used as an ‘aide memoire’ for the next step,  a consultative process, which will start on 3 March.

Options A and B

In preparation for the negotiating stage, he offered delegates the following options for Co-Chair inputs:

Kamau made it clear that the Co-Chairs can formulate criteria, based on the Rio+20 outcome and its principles that will make transparent how they will come up with goals and differentiate them from targets.

There was general acceptance that the Co-Chairs should continue to lead the process, although it was clear from the interventions that some delegates lacked clarity between the two options. There was, however, a majority of members who preferred Option A, over Option B.

During the third week in February the Co-Chairs will have shared the stock-taking documentation for the option that the OWG members have chosen, (either Option A or B), so that members can have consultations in their capitals. By the time of OWG-10, at the end of March, it is hoped that there will have been good consultations at the national level. 

There will be an informal in New York. 

Summary of discussion Options A and B

The following points were made during the interventions:

For more detailed comments see attached.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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