Countdown to UN General Assembly Special Event, 25 September 2013 No 6  
Sunday, September 8, 2013 at 6:02PM
Richard in HLPF, Rio+20, UNGA

The Countdown to the UN General Assembly Special Event postings to date have focused on specific meetings or documents. This posting will bring together the some of the other events that involve the private sector and CSOs and are taking place around the Special Event.

An important resource in keeping up-to-date on them is the List of Events related to the Special Event to follow up on the efforts made towards achieving the MDGs, September 2013, New York on the Beyond2015UK bond website. You are advised to check it regularly as the information is constantly changing.

UN Global Compact Leaders Summit and side events

The UN Global Compact is holding a Summit with side events on Thursday 19 September and Friday 20 September at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, 109 East 42nd Street, New York. Among the side events there is a session on Women’s Empowerment for the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Achieving Equality in the Workplace, Market Place and Community. For the agenda for the Summit, the speakers for which include the UN Secretary General, Amina Mohammed, Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning, and Paul Polman, Chief Executive of Unilever and a member of the High-Level Panel, please see here.

CSO events

In addition to a number of meetings organized by CSOs, there will be  Major Groups and other Stakeholders Briefing Days – part 1 on Friday 20 September and part 2 on Sunday 22 September. On the afternoon of Sunday 22 September there will be a Dialogue between civil society, governments, and UN representatives on regional recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda. Registration is required for all these and the deadline for the Dialogue is 10 September 2013.


Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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