Countdown to UN General Assembly Special Event, 25 September 2013 No 7
Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 6:25AM
Richard in HLPF, Rio+20, UNGA

Latest information on the UN General Assembly Special Event

Further information has been made available on the Special Event, which is being held in the Trusteeship Council Chamber and Conference Room 2.

Opening session: Opening remarks will be given by HE Mr John Ashe, President of the General Assembly; the UN Secretary-General; the President of the European Commission; the Prime Minister of Fiji, on behalf of the Group of 77; the US Secretary of State; the Foreign Minister of Belarus; the President of the World Bank; the Administrator of UNDP; Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on the MDGs; Bill and Melinda Gates; and Barbara Martinez, Latin American and Caribbean Network of Young People living with HIV.

Two Round Tables will then take place simultaneously. Round Table 1 will be co-chaired by the Presidents of South Africa and Turkey. The NGO representatives will be Réseau des agriculteurs et de producteurs agricoles des organizations de l’Afrique de lOuest and World Vision. Round Table 2  will be co-chaired by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and the Prime Minister of Ireland and the NGO representatives will be China Energy Fund and the Center for Autonomy and Development of Indigenous Peoples

Two further Round Tables will take place in the afternoon. Round Table 3 will be co-chaired by Benin and the Prime Minister of Sweden with the NGO representatives being National Foundation for India/Global Call to Action Against Poverty, Arab NGO Network for Development and Save the Children. Round Table 4 will be co-chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister for Montenegro and the United Arab Emirates with Caritas International and Volunteer Service Abroad as NGO representatives.

Closing session: It will comprise one representative from each Round Table to give a brief wrap up and closing remarks from the President of the General Assembly.

Informal discussions were scheduled to take place yesterday on the text of the draft outcome document for the event, which has still to be agreed.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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