Process gears up for inputs into the Operational Review through the initial findings of the Global Survey and start of the Regional Conferences
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 at 6:41AM
Richard in Arab States, ICPD Beyond 2014

Part II – Regional Conference on Population and Development in the Arab States: Development Challenges and Population Dynamics in a Changing Arab World, Cairo Egypt, 24-26 June 2013

(The following reports on the Civil Society meeting, the Youth Forum and the Regional Conference are based on the report from the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF))

The ICPD review process is gaining momentum as the first of five regional inter-governmental population conferences has concluded with successful outcomes in Cairo, in a conference hosted by the League of Arab States.

The Inter-governmental meeting was preceded by a civil society meeting convened by IPPF Arab World Regional Office and a Youth Forum convened by the Arab Youth Coalition for Population and Development.

Civil Society Meeting

The civil society meeting, which was convened by IPPF, was attended by national NGOs from 15 countries in the region, including both IPPF Member associations and partners CSO. Thirty participants attended the workshop, in which they reviewed the main achievements and challenges facing the region on population, development and sexual and reproductive health.

They discussed priorities including women rights and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); maternal health; contraceptive security; eliminating harmful practises including FGM/C and early marriage; and the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. The meeting resulted in the development of a declaration on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All, which was communicated to delegates at the regional conference that followed. The CS meeting marks the beginning of a regional movement committed to developing a regional advocacy plan to advocate for the regional priorities for the ICPD to be implemented by  governments and to be reflected in the next development framework. 

Youth Forum

The youth forum was attended by 70 young leaders from all over the region to ensure that the rights of young people are met, respected, and protected. The Coalition issued a strong declaration calling for states in the region to ensure that the rights of young people are met, respected and protected, particularly in relation to migration; youth participation; sexual and reproductive health; changing family formation; population, environment, and climate change; and gender and gender-based violence.

Regional Conference – Development Challenges and Population Dynamics in a Changing Arab World

The Regional Population and Development Conference was considered by regional activists to be a successful discussion of the themes of migration; demographic and democratic transitions; youth; maternal health a right and a target; ageing; fertility; and population, climate change and the environment. The outcome document included sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, although there was opposition to sexual rights, which were not included, despite the best efforts of civil society. The official declaration, however, mentions the outcome documents of the Parliamentarians, Arab Youth Coalition, Civil Society and the Women’s Group, in addition to the official outcome document.

Government support for the implementation of the ICPD Programme for Action was considered to be good, despite recent trends in the region. There were a few areas of exception, although Sudan opposing gender and the principles of CEDAW. While Egypt was a moderate voice in the plenary, it took exception to  the term ‘gender’ in the drafting committee for the outcome document.

The outcome document is currently being translated and will be posted when available. For further information and access to the conference reports and declarations, from the regional processes and global events visit  For more information about the regional process and follow up contact:

An official report of the Regional Population and Development Conference, which was organized by the League of Arab States (LAS), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in addition to UNFPA will be available on the UNFPA website. 

In his opening remarks, Dr Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of UNFPA, said:

“It is especially fitting that we are gathered here in Cairo, the city that gave birth to that great vision nearly 20 years ago that what matters about human beings is not their numbers but the quality of their lives…  Where better to begin the series of ICPD beyond 2014 regional review conferences than in Cairo where it all began?”


Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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