United Nations Economic Commission for Africa/African Union Congress Regional Meetings for ICPD Beyond 2014
Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 11:32PM
Richard in Africa, IPPF

We have received the following information about the Regional Conference and Civil Society and Youth participation from the International Planned Parenthood Federation 

Regionally, UNECA, UNFPA and AUC are working together to determine the status of progress on and identify priorities for the population and development agenda on the African continent. The regional population conference will convene under the theme Harnessing the Demographic Dividend: The Africa we want on 2-6 September in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is a regional review of the status of the implementation of the ICPD programme of Action in Africa The conference is hosted by United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and African Union Congress (AUC) who are holding an experts and governmental meeting. IPPF Africa Region and partners are hosting a civil society meeting and Afri Yan and Partners are hosting a youth forum.

The key themes up for discussion have been determined as the following:

Civil Society and Youth Voices in the ICPD review process

Civil society participation in the intergovernmental meeting is still in negotiation, but it has been confirmed that civil society and youth will have a speaking slot each in both the Ministerial and Experts meeting.

IPPF Africa Region and partners will be convening in a pre-meeting 29-30th August, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to develop key messages and a common civil society position for the meeting.

Coordination with wider civil society in the region for the event is being done via a steering committee who represent a broad base of constituents from the region, geographically and thematically. These include:

Participation in the civil society meeting

It is expected that there will be around 150 participants at the civil society meeting. Participants will be drawn from existing regional networks and an open application process for local and self funding civil society to attend. At least 20% of these spaces will be allocated to young leaders

For more information contact: Loise Ochanda: lochanda@ippfaro.org 

Participation in the youth forum

The youth forum is being led by AfriYan and partners including:

For more information contact: Youth Steering Committee; icpdysc@gmail.com

There will be around 120 participants at the youth meeting. A selection criteria has been drawn up for the youth pre- conference participants,

The YSC is coordinating the nomination of participants at country level using UNFPA Country Offices and the IPPFARO in Nairobi. Steps are being taken to ensure representation of youth organisations working at regional levels too. More details to follow.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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