Global Consultation on Environmental Sustainability in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 9:20AM
Richard in World We Want 2015

E-discussion on Environmental Sustainability and Equality

Please note that the deadline for the E-discussion on Environmental Sustainability and Equality as been extended to 12 May.

It has been repeatedly stated that inequalities can hamper the achievement of environmental sustainability. Participants in the global thematic consultation on environmental sustainablity see inequalities in environmental sustainability as an issue of different levels of access to: eco-services for livelihoods and health (water, clean air, clean and renewable energy); between rich and poor countries, rich and poor within countries; rural and urban populations; women and men, current and future generations. Involvement by these groups in decision-making processes has also been repeatedly underlined. Still, why does inequality undermine the attainment of environmental sustainability? Why should equality be at the center of our attention? Post-2015 goals are expected to be ambitious and universal. What does this mean in the context of inequality?  

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E-Discussion on the Role of the private sector/markets  

Also underway is the E-discussion on the Role of the private sector/markets

What is the role of the private sector in the post-2015 development agenda with regards to environmental sustainability? How can the private sector be held accountable, and how can market forces be leveraged in favour of environmental sustainability? What incentives for environmental sustainability and green economy policies can be incorporated into the next set of development goals? How can an incentives based system be made accountable so that it is not abused by acts of green-washing? How can a green economy approach assist developing countries to leap frog in their development trajectory? How can the market be better utilized as a tool for change? Which market mechanisms can be harnessed for sustainability and how?  

Join the Discussion.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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