IPPF welcomes High Level Panel report for post 2015  
Friday, May 31, 2013 at 8:08AM
Richard in High-Level Panel, IPPF

The following is reposted with permission from IPPF.org

The High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the post-2015 development agenda have released their final report. IPPF welcomes the positive news that sexual and reproductive health and rights will being reocgnized in the next development framework.  

The High Level Panel's Report for 2015 suggests specific goals and targets, but does not suggest indicators under the targets. At present, there is a health goal proposed, “Ensure Healthy Lives”. Under this goal, the High Level Panel (HLP) have suggested a target of ensuring universal sexual and reproductive health and rights. While it is not a standalone goal, this explicit inclusion of SRHR under a health goal is very positive for IPPF’s post 2015 agenda.  

"This report is truly universal: It depends on national gov'ts to create targets that are unique and country-specific."#post2015HLP

UN Foundation (@unfoundation) May 31, 2013

A second win for IPPF is the proposed standalone goal entitled “Empower girls and women and achieve gender equality”. This is also one of IPPF’s central asks. The proposed targets around this goal are:

  1. Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against girls and women
  2. End child marriage
  3. Ensure equal right of women to own and inherit property, sign a contract, register a business and open a bank account
  4. Eliminate discrimination against women in political, economic, and public life

All the targets in this goal are candidates for global minimum standards, including “zero” goals, and would be disaggregated.

The Panel have also suggested a target on reducing maternal mortality, but do not define a specific ratio to work towards. There is an target on reducing the burden of disease from HIV/AIDS, though this is listed as a focus area alongside tuberculosis, malaria, neglected tropical diseases and priority non-communicable diseases. For all of these suggested targets, the indicators would be disaggregated.

Although specific indicators have not been proposed, the analysis underpinning the goals and targets is positive.

IPPF's Director General, Tewedros Melesse welcomed the report: "The High Level Panel's report on the post-2015 development framework is an important milestone in the process of envisioning the future world we want. The next step for IPPF is to work with colleagues and decision-makers across the globe. We must ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights as set out in Vision 2020 are at the heart of post-2015 discussions at the UN Assembly in September."

Source: http://ippf.org/news/IPPF-welcomes-High-Level-Panel-report-post-2015

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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