Update On Events Around The Release Of The High Level Panel Report (30-31 May) 
Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 6:22PM
Richard in High-Level Panel

30 May, Thursday 
11am EDT: General Assembly Briefing 

The Panel, led by HLP Co-Chair President Yudhoyono, will brief the General Assembly on the HLP report. Although the briefing will be held without the report and closed to the media, the event will be webcast after 3pm EDT on: http://webtv.un.org. Reportage on the briefing will also be available at http://post2015.iisd.org  

3pm EDT: Web release of the HLP Report 

The HLP report will be released on the Secretary-General’s webpage and will be available on the Panel’s website: www.post2015hlp.org at 3pm EDT / 7pm GMT 

31 May, Friday 
10am EDT: Discussion of the HLP Report 

A stakeholder event will enable an interaction with Panelists on the substance and recommendations of the report. The event is open to all. Pre-registration is required (Guidance on pre-registration and program details is available here). 

This event will be live streamed via: http://webtv.un.org and www.worldwewant2015.org/HLPREPORT

Questions and comments to the event can be posted online via Twitter using #post2015hlp 

Reporting of the event will be available on: http://post2015.iisd.org 

Social media updates from the event can be found via: @2015on, @UNFoundation, @WorldWeWant2015 and @myworld2015

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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