Launch of the report of the High Level Panel and discussion, 31 May 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013 at 9:08AM
Richard in High-Level Panel

The report of the High-Level Panel (HLP) will be handed over to the UN Secretary General on the 30 May, and will be made public on the 31st May.  The following information is provided on the High-Level Panel website.

Discussion of the High Level Panel’s Report on the Post 2015 Agenda 

31st May 2013 (10am to 12pm) United Nations Headquarters, ECOSOC Chamber

What is being discussed?

On May 31st (12:01am EST) the report of the HLP on the post-2015 development agenda will be available to stakeholders, following the submission of the same to the UN Secretary General the previous day. A number of UN agencies and stakeholder groups have come together to organize a discussion of the report taking advantage of the Panel’s presence in New York at this time. This event will take place at a critical time in the post-2015 process as the HLP report serves as the opening chapter of a fairly lengthy book, which is the post-2015 process.

What will this conversation achieve?

The purpose of this event is to provide stakeholders and the wider UN community with a platform to directly engage Panel members on the major recommendations and key themes of the report. In addition to providing participating groups with an opportunity to share their views, reactions and questions on the report, the event would also address opportunities for collaboration in terms of advocacy and dialogue across the remainder of the post-2015 process. As the work of the panel comes to a close, stakeholder groups may be interested to use the recommendations of the Panel to strengthen their engagement with ongoing global, regional and national processes. Using this event to share ideas and information for collaboration could serve as an additional rationale for organizing it, and as a take away for those who attend the event.

How will it be structured?

The format of this event is designed to provide the Panel with an opportunity to present its report, explain the vision and process by which produced it, present its key recommendations, and provide interested stakeholders with an opportunity to directly discuss the report with Panel members.

The discussion will be managed by a skilled moderator and will involve:

Who can participate?

The event is open to all interested groups. Pre-registration is required for all individuals who do not work for the UN or diplomatic missions. Queries may be directed to: gro.plh5102tsop@tairaterces

Further guidance is available at: and

Other events in connection with the launch of the HLP Report

ODI has announced that it has teamed up with three other organisations to hold a global event on 6th June, at which Amina Mohammed and Betty Maina from the HLP will present the report and answer questions from audiences in London, Nairobi, Dhaka and Bogotá. Click here if you would like to attend the event in any of these locations, or watch online. 

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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