Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference (September 2013) and Preparatory Meeting (May 2013)
Monday, April 8, 2013 at 6:16PM
Richard in Asia-Pacific

The Sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference (APPC) will be held in Bangkok from 16 – 20 September 2013. It follows on from the 4th APPC, in Bali in 1992, and the 5th APPC, in Bangkok in 2002 (in preparation for the ICPD@10 review in 2004). In 2009, at the time of the ICPD at15 review the Asia- Pacific High-Level Forum on ICPD at 15: Accelerating Progress towards the ICPD and Millennium Development Goals was held, also in Bangkok. 

A Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Conference will be held from 8 to 10 May 2013 at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok. Participants at the Regional Preparatory Meeting will be briefed on the key findings of the regional review of the Global Survey on implementing ICPD programme of action, as well as in-depth analyses on three topics, including ensuring universal access to reproductive health, responding to population and sustainable development linkages, and enhancing social integration in the context of demographic change. They will identify key issues of importance to be highlighted and discussed at the APPC and will also consider the first draft of a proposed outcome document for the Sixth APPC.

ESCAP Seats of Governments may designate representatives in an expert capacity to attend the Regional Preparatory Meeting. In addition, other experts in the field of population and development, representatives of civil society and representatives of United Nations entities will also be in attendance.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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