World We Want 2015 website
Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 6:56PM
Richard in My World, World We Want 2015


Although the final meetings for the Thematic Consultations have taken place, the World We Want 2015 website continues to be a place for posting and looking for information on the various themes.

The 11 Thematic Consultations can be accessed through Topics or through Official Consultations, which also includes information and opportunities to make input into the National Consultations process.

If you click on Outcomes on the World We Want 2015 website, then on Rights, it can be seen that there have been 134 mentions of sexual or sexual and reproductive health rights. 

My World, The United Nations Global Survey for a Better World

The My World, The United Nations Global Survey for a Better World continues to pose questions to which individuals can respond.

The My World , The United Nations Global Survey for a Better World Summary of the Results: March 2013 was made available to the Fourth Meeting of the High Level Panel in March. It is interesting to note that while all global participants ranked a good education and better health care first and second, equality between men and women was only ranked tenth.

My World  has both Civil Society and Corporate Partners. In addition it has a number of Goodwill Ambassadors including UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors Mia Farrow, Aamir Khan and Priyanka Chopra and Marta Vieira da Silva, a UN Development Programme Goodwill Ambassador. It also receives strong support from the UN Secretary-General’s MDG Advocates Group members, Jeff Sachs, Ambassador Dho Young-shim, Ted Turner, Christine Bosse and Minister Douste-Blazy. 


Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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