Update on Population Dynamics Thematic Consultation, 14 February 2014
Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 9:06PM
Richard in Thematic Consultations, World We Want 2015

There are four on-going e-discussions for the Population Dynamics Thematic Consultation on:

On Monday and Tuesday 18 – 19 February 2013, a consultation with civil society February 2013 will be held in Geneva, Switzerland. The governments of Switzerland and Bangladesh and the lead agencies (UN-DESA, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT and IOM) will also hold a briefing for member States in Geneva on 22 February 2013.

The Global Leadership Meeting on Population Dynamics and the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda will be held on 11 – 12 March 2013 in Dhaka, Bangladesh and will conclude the global thematic consultation.

If you haven’t yet contributed to the e-discussions, you are urged to do so as soon as possible. 

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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