Beyond 2015 – creating a post-2015 development framework
Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 11:06AM
Richard in Post-2015

(i)       National consultations

Currently, the UN Development Group (UNDG) is facilitating national post-2015 consultations in over 50 countries to stimulate discussion amongst national stakeholders (government representatives, NGOs, civil society, community-based organizations (CBOs), indigenous peoples, women’s and social movements, youth and children, and the private sector) and to gather inputs and ideas for a shared global vision of The Future We Want.  The consultations are taking place between June 2012 and the end of the first quarter of 2013. The results of the country consultations are expected to have been recorded by June 2013 to be included in a global UNDG report that is expected to inform the post-2015 discussions.

Initial list of countries for the post-2015 national consultations:  

Cambodia, Philippines, Vanuatu have been proposed as standby countries. Ecuador, Chile, Guatemala and Nicaragua are alternates proposed in case selected the UN Country Teams (UNCTs) are not able to carry out their national consultations.  Lebanon and Yemen are alternates proposed in case selected UNCTs are not able to carry out their national consultations. 

(ii)      Thematic consultations

Thematic consultations are also planned as part of the preparatory process for creating the post 2015 development framework. They will involve academia, media, private sector, employers and trade unions, civil society and decision makers. Themes of global meetings include: 

Update on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 6:42PM by Registered CommenterRichard

Updated list of countries for the post-2015 national consultations:


Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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