Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit — Call for Endorsement  
Friday, June 8, 2012 at 10:35AM
Richard in Contraceptives

Amnesty International, Center for Reproductive Rights, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN),  International Women's Health Coalition and RESURJ have prepared a statement *Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit* in advance of the DFID/Gates Family Planning Summit which will be held in London on 11 July 2012 and would like to invite you or your organization to endorse this statement (at bottom of this email), which will be presented to the organisers prior to the Summit.

To endorse this statement, please send the following information to CRR’s Kate Meyer (kmeyer@reprorights.org).

Name of organization or individual (please specify which):


Name and email of contact person:

Please also circulate this statement to your contacts and networks. The deadline for endorsements is Monday, 11 June 2012.

* The statement will be circulated again after endorsements have been received.

Rights must be at the centre of the Family Planning Summit: Civil Society Declaration

We, civil society organizations working to promote women’s and young people’s human rights, call on world leaders on the eve of the “Family Planning Summit”, hosted by the UK Government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights are at the centre of all efforts to meet reproductive health needs, including family planning.

Contraceptive information and services – “family planning” – form an essential part of the health services that women need throughout their lives. Any steps to increase demand for contraceptives must actively support efforts to improve comprehensive and integrated sexual and reproductive health. Contraceptives must be provided through primary healthcare, with full regard for women’s human rights and the specific needs of young and unmarried women and other groups.

Our experience, built over decades of work around the world, has taught us that the failure to take actions guided by women’s human rights – to health, to life, to live free from discrimination among others – can have devastating consequences. Policies that accept or tacitly condone forced sterilization, the coercive provision of contraceptives, and the denial of essential services to the young, poor and marginalized women that need them every day have violated, and continue to violate, women’s human rights.

Nearly twenty years ago, governments at the International Conference on Population and Development agreed that respect for women’s reproductive autonomy is the cornerstone of population policy. Any return to coercive family planning programs where quality of care and informed consent are ignored would be both shocking and retrograde. The Family Planning Summit must ensure that the clocks are not put back on women’s rights: women’s autonomy and agency to decide freely on matters related to sexual and reproductive health without any discrimination, coercion or violence must be protected under all circumstances.

In order to expand contraceptive access with full respect for women’s human rights, we urge governments, donors and other actors supporting the Family Planning Summit to:



In 2012, nothing less will do.

Endorsed by:

Center for Reproductive Rights

Amnesty International

Development Alternatives With Women for a New Era, DAWN

International Women’s Health Coalition


Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.