Next steps for the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Monday, October 22, 2012 at 7:12AM
Richard in High-Level Panel

World We Want 2015In New York in the wings of the UN General Assembly meetings, the members of the High-Level Panel (HLP) held their first meeting and with several members of the Panel also meeting with civil society. The HLP agreed to hold substantive meetings in London from 31 October to 2 November and in Monrovia, Liberia and Bali, Indonesia (dates to be confirmed). It is expected that the discussions in London will focus on household poverty; national development in Monrovia; and global partnerships in Bali.

The report of the HLP, to be submitted by June 2013, will include:

Engagement with Civil Society at the London Meeting, 2 November 2012

During the London meeting, there will be a HLP civil society engagement meeting on 2 November to provide a platform for global civil society to engage with the process to create the post-MDG framework. It is part of the official agenda and will be in the form of roundtables, which will last 90 minutes and be open for 30 civil society participants.

The emerging objectives (yet to be agreed and finalized) for the CSO meeting in London are:

The roundtables will focus on the following themes (to be confirmed):

The following issues will be included: eradication of global poverty within a generation; social safety nets; food security; health; education; social inclusion; livelihoods and income security; investing in children; social mobility, anti-discrimination and participation; a global social floor; legal empowerment of the poor; and enabling bottom of the pyramid markets.

On-line consultation – deadline Friday 26 October 2012

The World We Want Website holding an on-line consultation to allow civil society and other stakeholders to input directly into the conversation of the #Post2015HLP which will address the same themes and questions as those that the HLP will be discussing. The deadline for contributions is 26 October 2012. The Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) will summarize the substantive contributions and publish them on line. A longer report will be disseminated by mid-November.

See also the #Post2015HLP Online Outreach Statement.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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